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How to dodge Kolkata heat

  • Stay hydrated by drinking plenty of water and consuming hydrating foods
  • Seek shade and ventilation to escape the direct sun and maintain a comfortable indoor environment
  • Choose lightweight, breathable clothing to prevent overheating and stay cool throughout the day

23 Apr 2024

The heat outside is hovering at 40°C, ready to suck up all your energy. As temperatures rise in Kolkata, residents are seeking ways to stay cool and comfortable amidst the sweltering heat. With the mercury soaring, it becomes essential to adopt effective strategies to beat the heat and maintain well-being during the summer months.

  1. Stay Hydrated: One of the most crucial steps in combating the heat is to stay hydrated. Drink plenty of water throughout the day to replenish lost fluids and prevent dehydration. Incorporate hydrating foods such as fruits and vegetables into your diet to stay refreshed and energized.

  2. Seek Shade and Ventilation: When venturing outdoors, seek shade whenever possible to escape the direct sun. Additionally, ensure proper ventilation in your home by opening windows and using fans or air conditioning to circulate air and maintain a comfortable indoor temperature.

  3. Dress Appropriately: Choose lightweight, breathable fabrics such as cotton and linen to allow air circulation and prevent overheating. Opt for loose-fitting clothing in light colors to reflect sunlight and keep your body cool.

Myth : Eating spicy food will make you feel even hotter. Infact, chili peppers contain capsaicin, a chemical compound that helps us to perspire more readily, thereby cooling the over all core body temperature.

As Kolkata residents brace themselves for the summer heat, implementing these simple yet effective tips can help stay cool and comfortable despite the rising temperatures.


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